This device takes glucose control which is a part of diabetes care management a notch higher in accuracy.
People living with diabetes are usually faced with the challenge of achieving tight glycemic control as a result of the several steps involved in self blood glucose monitoring(SBGM).
Code free has no coding and therefore has one less step which makes accuracy and precision very high. Tight glycemic control reduces the risks of microvascular and macrovascular complications associated with hyperglycemia
Code Free glucometer reduces risk associated with hypoglycemia which can be life threatening. Type 1 diabetic patients on insulin require Code-Free Meter to ensure control of their Blood Glucose.
- Code Free requires No coding which makes the accuracy and Precision very high.
- Code Free has got a fast test time of 5 secs.
- Code Free requires very little blood sample 0.9µl.
- This is a cholesterol analyser that analyses the level of cholesterol in the body using blood sample.
SD Lipidocare gives a full lipid profile with all the differentials such as HDL, LDL, Total Cholesterol, HDL/LDL, Ratio, Non HDL Component etc.
A very compact machine with dual function of both cholesterol and glucose. It is very affordable and durable.
SD Lipidocare is small in size but BIG in performance.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance manufactured and used by the body to maintain a healthy heart. Your liver creates 75% of the cholesterol you need daily. The liver makes about 1,000 milligram of cholesterol daily. You obtain dietary cholesterol from animal products.
Cholesterol like oil cannot dissolve in water(blood) unless combined with lipoproteins. HIGH LEVEL OF BLOOD CHOLESTEROL CAN RESULT IN A PLAQUE BUILD UP IN YOUR ARTERY LEADING TO CHD AND HEART ATTACK.
It is best to have a blood test called ''lipoprotein protein" to find out about your cholesterol numbers. The blood test gives information about;
Total Cholesterol.
LDL Bad Cholesterol: The main source of cholesterol buildup and blockage in the arteries.
HDL Good Cholesterol: Helps keeps cholesterol from building up in the arteries.
Triglycerides: Another form of fat in the blood. This blood test is done after a 9-12 hour fast and takes only 3 minutes.
Lipidocare comes in a portable size for office/desktop use.