Quality and healthy Foods we make available at affordable cost

BIOFEM FOODS LIMITED, was incorporated 10th day of January 2018. The desire to establish the company was borne out of the need to provide high quality food products and proper packaging of these food products at affordable price most especially. We are driven by the desire to combat the challenges encountered in food processing which leads to food wastage and to reduce cases of food contamination.

Corporate Focus

Our Corporate Focus is to make available to all; high quality food products that are internationally accepted and at a competitive price, while ensuring that our team of highly qualified personnel use cutting edge technology to promote healthy living.

Our Corporate office is strategically located in Ikeja Area, (Capital of Lagos State) the Commercial nerve center of Nigeria for easy accessibility and our clientele base is presently spread across major cities in Nigeria.

Manufacturing Process

Our establishment manufactures and process foods for consumption, related products, such as Enriched Flour, Spice, dried vegetable and Fruits. This does not include chemical preservatives or additives (Definition Source: Standard Industrial Classification)

QA Dept

Our quality assurance department prevent mistakes and defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering solutions or services to customers.

Regulatory Dept

Our regulatory department in liaison with the regulatory Body (NAFDAC) see to the registration of product, renewal of license and routine check up on production factory to check their GMP.

Supply Chain

Our supply chain department oversee operations such as delivery of products to customers based on demands.